Dear Daddy,
Even though I know I send this letter to you nor can you read it, however something inside hopes the words may find you somehow. Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!
The pain, grief, and sorrow of your absence are still so fresh & my heart is still broken, yet I find comfort in writing these letters to you.
I miss your laughter. Your witty, sarcastic humor. I miss your wise words and intellect. Most of all, I miss the sound of your laughter and the sound of your voice.
Thank you for always believing in me, even when I struggled to believe in myself. Your love and support shaped who I am today, and for that I am eternally grateful.
Please know how hard I wanted to save you and for you to live and how much I truly love you! I wanted & needed our father/daughter relationship. And still very much do to this day!
I have many regrets and a lot of guilt when it comes to our relationship and not being able to carry out your final wishes. And that tears me up, breaks my heart, fills me with regret, anger, sadness, and resentment!! I truly felt alone during your passing because my sisters were so young and I felt like I had to be strong for them and have all of the answers. Everything you told me growing up about certain individuals and things, turned out the truth!!!
Although I was eighteen years old and had a baby of my own, I wish things could have been different. I do try to let go of the guilt, knowing you would not want me to carry that burden. But, it’s extremely difficult. I choose to remember your laugh, your kindness, and the light you brought to this world while you were here. Those memories give me strength during difficult times, birthdays, and holidays.
Though I cannot see you or touch you, some part of me knows you're still with me. Your spirit lives on through those who carry on your values and love of life.
I will never forget the life lessons you taught me, even at a young age and all the beautiful memories that came with it.
You may be unable to read this letter I wrote for you, Daddy, but I know you’re happy now in heaven, your truly happy place.
On the other hand, things have immensely changed—tons of changes. Everything changed when you passed.
I wish you could’ve witnessed how we grew up, how we, from adorable little kids who used to have dance parties in the living room with you, became the mature and independent daughters that you wanted us to be.
We will never forget your life’s lessons and pieces of advice that led us to where we are right now. I wish you were here. And please know that you shouldn’t worry; we’re all doing okay & Mom has our backs always and forever!
Looking back, it feels like it was just yesterday. Tears fill my eyes whenever I talk about my father, who’s now in heaven. Your love and guidance will always be with me.
I may not have you here with me, but I carry your memory in my heart every day.
Thank you for being the best dad a child could ever ask for.
It’s been years since you were called home to be with the Lord. Almost 20 to be exact. But it feels like yesterday. I felt sad, devastated, lost, broken, and angry when you weren’t by my side anymore. Since the day you left, there has never been a day that I didn’t think about you. You’re always in my heart, and your memories never fade away.
One day, we will be together again and I’ll finally be able to thank you properly for being the Dad I needed most.
Until then, I will honor your memory by living as you taught me—with patience, humor, and an open heart. You will remain forever in my heart.
Love Always,
Your eldest daughter